6 December 2011

Costume: Temptation

In my previous post on the costume for my antagonist I said:

"The antagonist, corresponding to the protagonists change in clothing, will also be wearing more vibrant clothing. She will also wear elements of clothing which suggest her to be a cat (to intertextually reference the Cheshire Cat of 'Alice in Wonderland', such as ears, make up, and mittens. In this narrative, I would like her to be the more dominating figure in terms of costume as the protagonist is ultimately under her control during this."
After thinking further, I have now decided for her to be wearing a large hooded fur coat with leopard print spots. The leopard is a more ferocious animal than the cat, while still being in the same family so the intertextual reference is still there. The material of fur is also good as it has strong connotations of wealth, which juxtaposes against the protagonists lack of money due to any income going on his addiction; Temptation is like the drug dealer who is becoming more wealthy.

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